Monday, April 7, 2008


does anybody have a trampoline? if anyone does we should all hang out and jump on it more. trampolines rule!


Anonymous said...

max has a super nice trampoline that people have died on

Jayden said...

I twisted my ankle on it because is supplies no bounce.

Adam said...

Did Jayden hurt his wrist on Zoe's or Max's?

I just remember us all fighting on it and Jayden getting hurt.

Jayden said...

dude I never hurt my wrist. I fucked my ankle up and couldn't walk for 3 weeks.

Jayden said...

but close dude

brack said...

let's go jump on it! we're all smart big kids now so we won't get hurt.

Unknown said...

Trampoline is the best product and gives many benefits like people can enjoy on trampoline and also get workouts.
